Thursday, January 15, 2009

Singapore: A country without sympathy

I encountered some happening today which left me very disturbed. I am truly ashamed of being a Singaporean for this reason.

Being sympathy don't mean just donating money during a charity show or giving necessities during Christmas Season. It don't stop there. People who need help or just a little concern are around us every single day. If you stop and look for just a minute, it's not hard to see them. Don't pretend you don't see them coz I know you do.

You do more for the people in Sichuan than helping out a fellow Singaporean who is just beside you!? Does this make any sense???

If you are a parent, will you teach your kids to sympathize?
Or will you just asked your kids to study hard so everyone else will be under them! Teach them to be some bloody bitch or asshole who only see themselves and don't care about the others!?

If you are young, healthy and nothing is going wrong with your life, will you have a sympathy heart?
Or will you just ignore the existence of the less fortune and not lend a helping hand?

So please people. If you are able to buy that bag, I am sure u can afford to buy that pack of tissue paper from the old granny at the MRT station.

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