Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Lovely Bones - The Story of A Life and Everything That Came After….

Another movie review kindly sponsored by (again... =D)

Even before the invitation by I had decided this is a MUST-WATCH for me.

(1) It's by Peter Jackson (Hello!! Do i need to say more?)
(2) Saoirse Ronan (who play Susie Salmon). Those deep blue eyes...
(3) I LOVE Rachel Weisz.

A movie that captured my attention from the first minute! A girl who was murdered, telling the story from the “in-between”. It isn’t your normal crime and investigation story where they tried to find the murderer of the girl. In fact, the murderer’s identity was revealed from the onset. What kept me glued to the screen was the unraveling of how she was murdered and how she helped her loved ones find out who the murderer was.

I struggle to write about the movie as, for me, it is not so much the plot of the movie. What’s amazing about the movie to me is that it really sets me thinking. Thinking about the concept of Life, Death and Life after Death. It also sets us thinking about revenge and letting go.

It’s a pretty emotional movie and you feel for the murdered girl as you go on an emotional roller coaster as she tells the story. The movie ended on a high note for me.. RETRIBUTION!!! (obviously I haven’t learnt enough from the movie).

Please spend the $10 and get a ticket.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Floral Mood

2 more days...

I will be drinking 鸳鸯, eating egg tart at one of those 茶餐厅.

I just wish I am feeling more excited about this trip than I am now....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Flowers make me happy =)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Books.... Books......Books

I will love to get ALL these.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Mismatched Vintage Chairs

credit Ruffled


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