Thursday, January 14, 2010

My 1st Lesson

I was sitting in the class & can't stop tapping my fingers.
I am afraid the moment I stop, I will burst like a balloon & fly right out of the class. haha
Yes I am that excited.

No class come without a textbook and here's mine. =)
Looking good.
Just that I don't understand like 99.9% of the stuffs written inside.
Well... In time, people.
I will read this inside out. haha

More drafts

OH! And my VERY 1ST drafting of half a skirt.
Don't ask me why half only. The trainer asked us to draw half then i draw lor.
Impressive right! haha.
More to come! More to come!

1 footprints:

PolkaDotsQueenie said...

Everything looks alien to me! Ok, I'm not the kind of sewing/creative kinda person so I will just wait for u to make something for me when u complete ur course. Hohoho!


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