We were supposed to be there 8pm to collect the tickets and since there were some time to spare we decided to explore. Everywhere we turned there was this creepy character standing there with that “I wanna skin you alive” look. I must say they did hell of a good job! There were screams every 10 min or so from every corner at the ticketing area. It’s really hard not to freak out caused “they” would just stand behind you without making a single sound. Then when u turned, they would give you this LOUD spooky laugh. Very much remind me of the joker.

Oh there were this couple that really freaked me out.
Check them out…..
Freaking right!!!!!
My expression is totally priceless caused I am really shocked by the head sudden movement.
After collecting our special media stickers (feeling like a VIP), we made our way to the special tram for the Halloween Horror.
As usual, everything good comes with a long long Q. Oh boy…. Was the Q long. Lucky we were entertained by him!
His scary tactic was walking really fast & silently to the “victim” and breathed down the neck.
While I was paying all my attention on him, I didn’t even realized Ben was gone. I couldn’t find him anywhere and I am not going to get off the line caused it will mean for us to Q again. As the “Q” got shorter, I saw someone that looks very much like him. Same tee, same hairdo… Flirting with a girl!!!!
Don’t believed me!?
I got proof….
Then he saw me & begged for forgiveness, I decided to forgive him this time. Then we hopped on the tram for the trail of horror…. *Scream*
I had been to Night Safari a few years back and there are no lights install at the animals area. It was pit dark and we had a hard time figuring where the animals are. This time right with the newly install (or so I think) spotlight. We had an easy time locating & enjoying the our animal viewing time. After half an hr of viewing, I though it wouldn’t be the ended & its coming to a stop soon. Then I saw some light…. GREEN LIGHT! Oh no…. that don’t look good!
It was a good 10-15 min of non-stop screaming
`Our legs were wobbly when we got off the tram. I am quite convinced I want to go home. Then Ben insisted to walk through the track.
It don’t help when I saw how creepy the walkway looked.
As I walked, It was pretty ok than expected caused the place was brightly lighted & there were lots of people. I got brave and was walking in front of Ben. Even when we turned to this corner which is really dark & there’s no people. It didn’t register to me to slow down.
Then I got spooked out.
I was really freaked out & was hiding behind Ben holding on on his tee &screaming like a 3 year old wanting to go home.…But Ben was only concerned abt his tee!!! HE kept saying to me “Baby. Stop pulling my t-shirt. “ I knew he had not gotten over the girl.
Or maybe it’s this girl
Or this!!???
That’s it.
He’s staying at home next year…..
3 footprints:
Wah this is so fun but spooky lor! I think i will very much freak out & scream my lungs out if i'm there man!
It is lor. I am very pleased with the spooky standard!!! =)
Da kann ich nur zustimmen..
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