Thursday, June 12, 2008

Singapore Fashion Screen

One word summarized everything: "Boring"
It don't take a genie to figure that out.
Everywhere I go, every single shop I went in...
There are selling the same things!
Either that or there are selling at ridiculous pricing.
Which is why online shopping is my new best friend
People are saying Singaporeans are hopeless when it comes to fashion.
They can hardly tell the different between each girl on orchard road coz they have the same hair style, same spag top (maybe different colour) & the same kind of sandals!
It's time we do something about it.
Singapore should never be identified by the way we dressed!
(Somewhere not in Singapore)
Foreigner: You must be from Singapore!
Me: How do you know!???
Foreigner: Not that hard. All girls from Singapore wear like you.
Me: ......
will you prefer this?
Foreigner: You must be from Singapore!
Me: How do you know!???
Foreigner: I heard Singaporeans girls have one of the best dressing sense! I guess seeing is believing
p/s: Inspired after watching "Sex and The City".

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