Thursday, September 07, 2006


My touchy classmate Sean called me just now. ASking me about my job (how sweet) and about the media market that he's heading too. He's the 2nd person that told me he's doing that. And me.... I have totally waste my diploma in mass communication coz I just decide to take up a course in Logistics *Yawn* In the name of $$$, I don't have a choice.

As I am saying, he called... And ask me about my comfort zone for salary coz I told him I didn't take the account executive position due to the pay cut...

Sean: So what's your comfort zone for salary?

me: $XXXX lah. I will die if it's below this range.

Sean: Guess me. U will be afraid... very afraid?

Me: *afraid for fuck* ERm..... $800 since ur parents support u and ur car anyway

Sean: NO! Aleast $3000-$4000

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? U r not selling diamond/oil and i doubt ur butt is worth that much. For goodness sake!! Honestly, I don't think you get what it take for piece of cake.

Now I remember why I stop talking to him

3 footprints:

Miffy said...

Sean has his head above the clouds....and nothing between his ears.

barefoot girl said...

Air head!

barefoot girl said...

Air head!


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