We are...
We just need to have someone who know be the first to try and make sure he/she is still alive after that then we try.
Come closer.... Enjoy the breeze & a cup of ginseng tonic with me.
When the 3 blur girls forgot to check if the camera is on video mode.
They are all ready in the "act cute" mode
They waited.... for a good 6 seconds to realize that.
See that person behind walking past?.
How cock can this get! hahaha
However I don't feel any happy after the spree, so Operation: "Cheer me up" failed.
Leaving me still unhappy and a hole in my pocket
p/s: In case, u think i spend a bomb here. I didn't...
a dress is ard $32.50 - $35. Don't you just love E-bay...
There's just something there making it all so unforgettable.
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